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Linking and Syncing an Exploros Class with a Canvas Class
Linking and Syncing an Exploros Class with a Canvas Class

Converting an existing Exploros class in a class linked to Canvas

Bradley avatar
Written by Bradley
Updated over a week ago

WARNING: This process is not reversible. Once you convert an existing Exploros class (link it with a Canvas class), the roster will change if the underlying usernames for students in the class are not identical β€” see the NOTE below for more details.

Video Directions

Part 3 of the video below explains how to convert an existing Exploros class to a Canvas class. We recommend watching the whole video since it provides information on how Exploros reads Canvas Courses and Sections, and how the assign process works.

Here is an alternative link for the above video if you cannot access Vimeo.

Step-by-Step Linking and Syncing

If your instance of Canvas has Exploros installed and you have signed into Exploros from Canvas, you can convert existing Exploros classes into existing Canvas Classes. If you do not yet have Exploros classes, and you want to import classes from Canvas, please read this article.

Step 1. Select the Exploros class that you want to convert to a Canvas | Exploros class. As noted below, this class should have identical students with identical usernames.

Step 2. Open the class settings

Step 3. Click on the Canvas tab. If this tab is not present, your Exploros account is not connected to Canvas. You will need to enter Exploros via Canvas to make the connection (see this article).

Step 4. After you have read and understood the warning (see NOTE below), check the Link and Sync checkbox. You will then see a list of eligible Canvas Courses and Sections. Choose the entity that represents the students in the Exploros class: the specific section or if you are not using sections, the specific course. Click "Link".

The class name will be converted to the Canvas class name. The roster will be synced (changed if there are any differences) to match the Canvas class roster, and all future assignments will post to Canvas. Existing assignments will not post to Canvas.

Students in this class will be able to access live Exploros assignments via Canvas by clicking on the assignment link or the Exploros App link within Canvas.


NOTE: We do not recommend Linking and Syncing an Exploros class with a Canvas class if the student usernames (e.g. emails or gmails) are not identical in both classes. When you Link and Sync, all usernames in the Exploros class will become the usernames in the Canvas. This is fine if the students are the same, and their usernames are the same β€” it will link the two classes and future assignments for the class will post to Canvas. However, if the students are different, or the student usernames are different, it will change the class roster and the class reporting.

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