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Administrator Curriculum Progress Report

A view of each unit in a course Scope and Sequence, and what has been taught on your campus or at your district.

Itamar Tabenkin avatar
Written by Itamar Tabenkin
Updated over 4 years ago

This report provides a view of each unit in a course Scope and Sequence, and what has been taught on your campus or at your district. For each experience taught for each class, you can view class average learning metrics such as quiz scores, learning experience completion, and time on task.

To access the report, use your Admin Console and click on Reports.

Choose any course's Progress Report (e.g. World Cultures MS Progress, U.S. History MS Progress):

Each Curriculum Progress Report shows all classes using the course on the left and the learning experiences taught in the course across the top. You can hover over a learning experience icon to see the lesson name.

You can filter the report by unit in the course, by various performance metrics, and by
campus, teacher, and class.

Report filters include:

  1. Unit: The course unit of instruction, generally containing 5–10 experiences

  2. Metrics for heatmap:

  • Average Quiz Score: The average end-of-experience quiz score for all students in the class, on a scale of 0–100%. 

  • Number of Participating Students: Number of students who started the Experience.

  • Average Responses per Student: Average number of posts made per student within the class. Low numbers are an indication that students aren’t progressing in the experience. Encourage teachers to raise this number using best practice strategies.

  • Average Percent Complete: Average percent of the experience completed by the students in a class. Are lessons being started but not completed? Do teachers need help with time management of teaching?

  • Average Time on Task: The average number of minutes per student spent on the experience within the class. Watch these numbers for teachers and lessons with high minutes. How can you share and replicate their success with Others?

    3. School, Teacher, Class: Filters the display for the specific metric.

Navigating to the Student Progress Report for Student Quiz Scores, Lesson Attendance, and More

Each class name in any Administrator Curriculum Progress Report is hyperlinked to that classes' Student Progress Report. Click any class name to see this teacher report. This report shows each student's attendance in every learning experience, each student's quiz score, time on task, and the number of responses posted.

Navigating to the Student Summary Report for a Summary of Any Student's Work

As a district or campus administrator, you can navigate all the way to down to any given student's summary of work in Exploros. To do this, click on a student's name in the Student Progress Report. This will launch a particular individual's Student Summary Report. You will see every learning experience that a chosen student has worked on, their completion percentage for the learning experience, quiz score, time on task, and other metrics.

Since each report can be exported, at any step you can export a CSV for use in grade books or other school data systems.

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