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Student Progress Report - Class Attendance and "Gradebook"
Student Progress Report - Class Attendance and "Gradebook"

This report creates a heat map of different metrics at a student level for each class.

Itamar Tabenkin avatar
Written by Itamar Tabenkin
Updated over 2 months ago

To navigate to reports, select All Classes and click on the Reports button.

Select the Student Progress Report.

The student progress report looks similar to a grade book. Select the class you want to review, and then you can view various metrics for each student in the class for each experience taught. Metrics include:

  • Quiz Score: Use this metric to check for student understanding over time. Note that if a student does not have a quiz score for a particular experience, it may be because the student did not reach the quiz, which is in the last scene. Note also that quizzes are challenging, so the scoring scale is more similar to STAAR, where a 65-70% is above the state average.

  • Total Responses: This metric is a proxy for engagement. When low, it may be because the student did not complete the experience, or it may indicate a true lack of engagement. Choose a few experiences where the student received a low quiz score and click the experience icon at the top of the column to open the Ended Experience and spot check the student’s posts.

  • Percent Complete: Is the student completing the experiences? This will often track with the class, based on your pacing. Note that if this is consistently below 100%, the student is not completing the lessons or undertaking end-of-lesson quizzes.

  • Time on Task (min.): Is the student speeding through the learning experience or not logged on during class time? This metric should typically track with the class based on your pacing. If not, it is something to monitor.

The experiences assigned to the class are displayed according to their end time. The report builds from left to right over time. Click on any experience icon to open the Ended Experience.

Export Quiz Scores for Gradebook

If you want to export any metric (quiz scores, completion percentage, responses, or time on task) choose the metric, then choose Export to CSV in the upper right-hand corner of the report.

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