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Sign Up and Log in to Exploros with ClassLink
Sign Up and Log in to Exploros with ClassLink

How to sign up and login to the Exploros Application with ClassLink

Itamar Tabenkin avatar
Written by Itamar Tabenkin
Updated over a week ago

When you are a ClassLink teacher and wish to use Exploros with your ClassLink account, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Existing Exploros Users

In case you already have an account in Exploros, you can either sign in with ClassLink or open the Exploros app via the ClassLink Launchpad.

Log in from Exploros App

When you log in with ClassLink from the Exploros app page, you will be prompted to sign in to ClassLink using your ClassLink credentials. Once you do, you will automatically be logged into the Exploros App. If you are already logged in to ClassLink, you will be logged in to Exploros.

Log in with Classlink

Login in from the ClassLink LaunchPad

With ClassLink LaunchPad, you can seamlessly log in to your Exploros account from one convenient location using Single Sign-On (SSO). Since your usernames and passwords for all your applications are saved, you don't need to remember them each time you log in to the app.

In order for an SSO (Saved Passwords) application to automatically log users into a website, you and your students must already have existing accounts with the Exploros website. Your district will provide ClassLink with credentials for these accounts. ClassLink's system securely saves this login information to help users automatically sign into the Exploros website from the ClassLink LaunchPad. You can see more information on using ClassLink LaunchPad applications here or watch the video below for more information.

New Exploros Users

New Exploros users will need to sign up with ClassLink when they create their accounts.


Teachers have two methods for adding students 1) Class Codes and 2) Import. See this article for more details on the ways to add students.

Method 1: Adding Students Using Class Code (Most Common)

Every class in Exploros has a unique class code. You can give this code to your students, and they can use it to enroll in the class. We recommend having students cut and paste the code when possible, to minimize issues. Once everyone is in, you can lock the class until the next time you need to make a roster adjustment. Please see this article for more information on the process of adding students through class codes.

  • Go to the Exploros app

  • Select "Join a class and sign up."

  • Add the class code that was provided by the teacher

  • Select "Join Class"

Method 2: Adding Students Using Import (Less Common)

Students who do not have a school-based email or Gmail address need to be imported into a class. We do not generally recommend this approach because it can result in duplicate student accounts, but if students do not have school-based email, it is the only way. Please see this article for more information on the process of adding students through import. We also recommend you read our SSO best practices article.


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