Posting Exploros Assignments in Canvas

For classes imported from Canvas Courses, Exploros assignments automatically post to Canvas.

Itamar Tabenkin avatar
Written by Itamar Tabenkin
Updated over a week ago

When you import a class into Exploros from a Canvas Course (see this article), any learning experience you assign in Exploros will automatically post as an assignment in the associated Canvas Course.

As a teacher, assign a learning experience using the typical process (You can use single Class assign or multi-class assign). In step 3 of the assign process, you will see this notice indicating that for the Canvas course(s), the assignment will also post back in Canvas.

Once you complete the Assign process in Exploros, as a teacher you will see the assignment in Canvas, which is linked to Exploros. All students in the Exploros/Canvas Class/Course will also receive this link in their Canvas Course assignments feed, and can click the link to open Exploros and view the assignment.

Assignments that are not to the entire class

If you create an assignment in Exploros that is for some of the students in the class, but not all, the assignment notification still goes to ALL students in Canvas. A student who clicks on this link but has not been assigned from within Exploros will not see the assignment when they get to Exploros β€” only students who were actually assigned in Exploros will see the assignment in Exploros.

As a teacher, if you want to modify the assignment in Canvas to only reflect the particular students assigned, it needs to be done within Canvas. This can be done by going to Assignments > Clicking on the Assignment > Edit Assignment Settings

Scroll down to the Assign section and modify the list of students that see the assignment.

Assignments in Canvas that are past their due date

When the Exploros Experience Ends (as noted by the Due date on the assignment), it still shows as a linked assignment in Canvas. Clicking on the link opens Exploros, but the assignment will not be visible in "Assigned" since the experience has ended. It can be found in the "Ended" experiences if it contains any student posts. If an experience ends and no one has posted anything to it, it is removed altogether.


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