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Exploros Terminology

Learning experiences, scenes, teacher gates and other terms used in the Exploros platform - a quick look at some key terms

Bradley avatar
Written by Bradley
Updated over 7 years ago

Before you get started, it's helpful to learn a few terms.ย 

Learning experience. A learning experience is a lesson or activity. We call it a learning experience because it varies based on what students bring to it!

Scenes. Scenes are the pages in a learning experience. They grow in length depending upon the amount of student response within a learning experience.

Teacher Gate. A teacher gate is a lesson pacing control feature. When locked, students cannot advance beyond a gate, and only the teacher can unlock a gate. You typically use them when you want to discuss student posts before moving from one scene to the next.

Responses. In Exploros, all forms of student posts are referred to as responses. Responses can take the form of polls, drawings, graphic organizers, tables and charts, open text responses, drag and drops and more. Some responses are shared to the teacher only, and some are shared with peers.

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