Ending (or Extending) a Learning Experience

Ended experiences become read-only. Once ended, you can review quiz results as well as other student work.

Itamar Tabenkin avatar
Written by Itamar Tabenkin
Updated over a week ago

Assigned experiences are active during the dates and times indicated on the bottom right of the experience card. When the end time is reached, the learning experience becomes read-only and moves to the Ended list.

If you want to extend or shorten the time of an experience while it is still active, go to the experience’s dashboard, click the calendar icon at the top far right corner, and reset the date or time. 

If you want to end the experience immediately, go to the home screen and click “End Now” on the experience card.

NOTE: You cannot extend the time of an Ended Experience. You need to reactivate it first, then follow the above directions. You can learn how to reactivate any experience (move it back to Assigned) by viewing this article.

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