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The Experience Dashboard

See which students are logged in, add students, keep track of student progress, see responses, and quiz scores.

Itamar Tabenkin avatar
Written by Itamar Tabenkin
Updated over a week ago

As a teacher, when you click on a learning experience, you are automatically taken to the Experience Dashboard:

There is a toggle bar at the top where you can navigate to two different areas:

  1. Students - this indicates the students invited to the experience and allows for adding and removing students.

  2. Progress - this shows each student and the classes progress in the learning experience.

1. Students — Shows a list of all students who have been assigned the current experience. If you have students who are in the class but have not been assigned the experience, you can add them by clicking Add Students.

If you want to remove a student from the assigned experience, you can click the X next to their name. NOTE that you can only remove students who have not started the experience.

2. Progress — This part of the Experience Dashboard shows:

  • which students have been assigned

  • which students are currently logged in (names in blue)

  • each student's live progress within the experience (farthest position)

  • the number of scenes (pages) in the experience

  • teacher gate status (locked shown as red lines and unlocked shown as green)

  • Small Group indicator (only for lessons that contain small groups)

In addition to the above information, each student's blue progress bar also indicates responses posted by the student within the experience where:

  • green = correct answer

  • blue - partially correct

  • red = incorrect answer

  • gray = open response (cannot be auto-graded)

Depending upon the learning experience, there may be up to two scores for each student on the right-hand side of the dashboard.

  • Quiz Score — this is the average of the quiz, usually present in the last scene of a learning experience in the form of an exit ticket, but sometimes a more formal test (e.g. Unit Review learning experience).

  • Auto-Assessed Response Score - this is the average of the auto-graded questions that are not quiz questions. This number is not overly important on a student-by-student basis, because these assessments may be early in the lesson when students are yet to learn the content. However, they are included to help teachers get a sense of class understanding.

Seeing the responses helps teachers address student or class-wide misconceptions. For any auto-graded questions, you can quickly see which students are struggling, which questions your class is having difficulty with, and class averages and student quiz scores—all in real-time.

Instructional Tips: Experience Dashboard Progress View

For more instructional tips using the Experience Dashboard Progress View, take a look at this article.

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