The Exploros Program is designed to be delivered in a teacher-led, student-centered, device-enabled classroom with opportunities for discussion. This social interaction engages students and facilitates learning.
In the Exploros Program, each experience is built upon the 5E learning model:
Engage: students make connections to the topic and review lesson objectives
Explore: students learn the core information
Explain: students reflect on the issues raised by the topic
Elaborate: students extend what they have learned in the experience
Evaluate: students take a quiz to demonstrate their learning
Generally, each of the 5Es is a scene in the experience. The use of the 5E model scaffolds the content, enabling students to move through a large amount of content with increasing depth of understanding as they advance.
The Engage usually presents a short classwide warm-up that helps students make connections to the topic. For example, students might be prompted to post a single word or phrase in a word cloud, or to find an image to illustrate what they know about a topic. The Engage scenes are designed so that every student is comfortable posting.
The Explore scene generally uses curated OER articles (or summaries) and videos to present the topics. The Exploros Program tries to offer different ways of accessing the information to accommodate different types of learners. Students may be required to take notes as they read or answer reading-comprehension style questions.
The Explain and Elaborate scenes may introduce related material or have students delve deeper into the material from the Explore scene. The activities use graphic organizers, charts, drawings, discussion walls, and more to engage the students.
The Evaluate quiz at the end of each experience helps teachers identify any key concepts or skills that need to be retaught. Teachers see student results in real time.