Those using the Pre-Post Social Studies Assessment Program (TIA) in Exploros have access to a report that shows the raw score for students and the TEKS-based score.
When a class test ends either by reaching the assigned end time or the individual proctoring the test ending it, the results are calculated. These results appear in the reporting area.. To access the test report, the class teacher can do the following:
Do the following:
From the home screen, click Reports from within a class that administered a TIA Pre or Post Test.
Choose the appropriate TIA report
Note that Pre-Post Reports only appear once there is data in them, so if they do not appear it means that no tests have been completed or the data is still be transferred.
The report allows a teacher to look at each student's raw score for the test, and TEKS SE-level score. Since most standards are tested once and most questions are tagged to a single standard, there may be cases where scores are 0% or 100%. However, some items are duel-coded and may have partially correct answers so there may be percentages in between 0-100%. The results are displayed in a heat map-style format.
The report is designed to show both Pre and Post test results, but it also can show growth progress through the year for districts using the full Exploros Social Studies Program.
The data can be exported to a .csv file for import into other district systems.