Whiteboard Projection Tips

A few tips for projecting in the live classroom

Bradley avatar
Written by Bradley
Updated over a week ago

Watch this video to see a demonstration of the tips featured in this article.

If you want to project a view of the lesson on the whiteboard as you are teaching, here is the most common method.

Step 1. After you have prepared for the lesson and are ready to teach, hide the teacher notes as well as the correct answers in the Activity View of the learning experience. This will remove all the teacher notes and correct answers in the red boxes, making the view similar to the student view.

Step 2. When projecting, position the screen to show the student profiles but not the responses until a majority of the students have responded. You can see who has responded, and you can see the percentage of the class that has responded but the actual responses will be hidden until you scroll down. Note that at times you may need to shorten your screen to keep responses "below the fold" off-screen.

NOTE: If you have the ability to "shutter" your projector, you can position the screen showing students where you are in the lesson as above, then turn off the projector and watch your own screen as the responses come in, then turn the projector screen back on to discuss responses.

Progress Dashboard

Using the Progress Dashboard is a good way to keep tabs on student progress within the lesson. The default view shows student scores on embedded assessments and quizzes. If you want to hide this information while you project your screen, you can choose "None" in the responses dropdown, as shown.

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