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In-App Learning Standards Mapping

Subscribed teachers and their students can see the relevant learning standards and breakouts for each scene in OER experiences.

Itamar Tabenkin avatar
Written by Itamar Tabenkin
Updated over 4 years ago

The In-Experience TEKS feature allows subscribed teachers and their students to see the standards and breakouts mapped to each scene in OER experiences.ย 

To see addressed learning standards, click the TEKS button in the top left corner of the screen of the Activity tab, next to the experience image and under the experience title.

A modal box will open, showing the scene number, and the standard codes mapped to it, along with the standard's description. The selected standard will be highlighted in blue, and will display below it a list of related breakout codes that are mapped to the scene, and their description.

To switch between standards, simply click on the desired standard code, and the description and breakouts list will update accordingly.

If the scene has no standards mapped to it, or the experience is not a part of the teacher's subscription, the TEKS button will not appear.

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