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TEKS Student Summary Reports

Class heat map with each student's state standards coverage

Bradley avatar
Written by Bradley
Updated over 2 months ago

To navigate to reports, select All Classes and click on the Reports button.

Select the Student TEKS Summary report of choice. (There will be one for each course that you teach – World Cultures, Texas History or U.S. History). At present the reports are in beta, as data aggregation is tested at scale. 

The Student Summary TEKS report is a heat map of how each student is engaging with the TEKS. When viewing the report

  1. Choose a class

  2. Choose a Concept (e.g. History, Social Studies Skills)

  3. Choose a Type (e.g. Readiness)

This will filter the heat map according to the chosen TEKS. Most subsets fit on a single screen, but in some cases you may need to scroll right to see all the TEKS. You can view heat maps according to several metrics, each reported on a student-by-student basis.

  • Quiz item scores – this aggregates the average scores of each individual item mapped to the particular TEKS. Note that if a student has not answered any quiz questions mapped to the particular TEKS, this cell will contain a dash.

  • Responses – the total number of responses (e.g. open responses, graphic organizers, polls, etc.) posted that are mapped to the particular TEKS.

  • Number of Breakouts Touched - the total number of breakouts that were touched by a student out of the total breakouts in a given standard.

  • Time on Standard – the total time (the sum of all instances of viewing or responding to information) tagged to the particular TEKS. 

This report is a sum of all Breakout-level TEKS. We'll release another report which will reveal how each class and student is engaging with the TEKS at the breakout level. 

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