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Whiteboard Projector View

Project an Exploros experience on the whiteboard using one view while controlling it through a different view

Itamar Tabenkin avatar
Written by Itamar Tabenkin
Updated over a month ago

Subscribed teachers can now project an Exploros experience on the whiteboard using one view while controlling it through a different view. This setup enhances their ability to manage content and directions separately, resulting in smoother and more organized transitions between activities, which ultimately fosters a more efficient and effective learning environment.

To utilize this feature, teachers will need to open two browser windows using the same account. These windows can be on the same browser in separate tabs, on different browsers, or on separate devices. The projector view is tied to a specific experience and can be controlled through the experience settings button located in the bottom bar of the live experience, enabling teachers to efficiently manage the display to suit their needs.

Once the teacher designates one view as the projected view, the subsequent view will serve as the controller view. At any given time, there can only be one projected view and one controller view.

The projected view is intended to be a read-only display that is shown on the whiteboard and remains visible to students at all times. By default, when a view is projected, student responses and teacher notes are hidden.

The Controller view is visible only to the teacher and resembles the regular teacher view but includes additional toggle buttons at the experience bottom bar.

These buttons provide teachers with the ability to manage student response visibility and navigation synchronization. Initially, both buttons are set to off.

Student Responses: By default, student responses are hidden. The teacher can choose to reveal them by toggling the setting on.

Navigation Sync: When enabled, the projected view will follow the controller view, ensuring that the position, scene, and scrolling remain consistent across both views.

At any time, the teacher can replace the controller view or close the projected view. Both actions can be easily performed using the experience settings button.

How Teachers Use This Feature

The Whiteboard Projector View helps teachers guide live lessons while keeping Teacher Notes accessible. Instead of printing lesson plans, you can keep them open on your Teacher View throughout the lesson, making it easy to follow along and reference answer keys.

  • Use One Screen for Teacher Notes – Keep lesson plans, answer keys, and student responses open in one view while projecting only the lesson content in the other.

  • Guide Live Learning More Easily – Control what students see, manage responses, and navigate the lesson using Navigation Sync, without needing to switch tabs.

  • Eliminate the Need to Print Lesson Plans – Keep your Teacher View open the entire time you are teaching, so you always have access to notes, instructions, and answers.

  • Discussing Student Responses – For responses shared with the class, keep them hidden until all students have participated. Then, reveal them for discussion.

  • Reviewing Answer Keys – Display a scene for students while viewing teacher notes with answer keys and discussion ideas on your Teacher View to guide conversations.

  • Managing Class Pacing – Use Navigation Sync so students follow along on the projected view as you move through the lesson on the controller view.

  • Focusing Student Attention – Hide responses or notes to encourage student thinking before revealing answers.

  • Sharing with the Class – Some responses, like discussion walls, blogs, letters, or presentations, are designed to be shared with the class. Project student work so peers can review and discuss them.

  • Sharing with the Teacher Only – Some responses, such as factual answers or sensitive reflections, are set to be seen by the teacher only. You can choose to share strong examples with the class or keep responses private for review.

This feature was designed based on teacher feedback to make guiding lessons easier, more interactive, and more organized.

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